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June Birthstone: Alexandrite, the Color Changing Gemstone

Justin Zaroovabeli
February 22, 2024

Coveted for its striking ability to change color from a tranquil green to a dramatic purple, Alexandrite is prized for both its mesmerizing optical qualities and its symbolic value. This birthstone of June offers more than just beauty; it represents the fluidity and renewal fitting for its summertime association. Dive into the world of Alexandrite in this article, where we explore its fascinating rarity and the physical charms that secure its place as a gem of both intrigue and distinction.

The Remarkable Properties of Alexandrite

two pear cut june gemstones

Alexandrite, a gemstone of unparalleled allure, showcases an extraordinary ability to change color depending on the light it's exposed to. With a bewitching shift from vibrant green to deep purplish-red, this phenomenon, known as the alexandrite effect, is a testament to its rare chromium composition. This gem's remarkable durability, ranking high on the Mohs scale, ensures its longevity and makes it a coveted choice for exquisite jewelry pieces. Its scarcity, combined with its stunning aesthetics, has rendered alexandrite a symbol of sophistication and elegance, captivating admirers and collectors alike with its enigmatic charm.

The fascination with this gem extends beyond its enchanting beauty; the color-changing properties of Alexandrite make it a unique gemstone that alters its appearance based on the lighting conditions. This unique ability, stemming from the gemstone’s physical properties, has enthralled gem enthusiasts and jewelry lovers for centuries, adding to the allure of Alexandrite jewelry.

Physical Properties

Alexandrite boasts a remarkable set of physical properties that contribute to its allure and desirability. As a variety of the mineral chrysoberyl, it exhibits exceptional hardness, ranking at 8.5 on the Mohs scale, rendering it highly resistant to scratches and abrasions. Its crystal structure, characterized by orthorhombic symmetry, facilitates the reflection and refraction of light, enhancing its brilliance and clarity.

One of the most notable features of alexandrite is its captivating color-changing ability, known as the alexandrite effect, which arises from its unique chromium composition. This phenomenon, coupled with its pleochroism—displaying different colors when viewed from different angles—adds to its visual complexity and allure. Additionally, alexandrite exhibits strong fluorescence under ultraviolet light, further enhancing its mystique and appeal.

The Science Behind the Color Change

The intriguing color-changing properties of Alexandrite result from its distinct chemical composition. The presence of chromium ions in the crystal structure causes the gemstone to absorb certain wavelengths of light, resulting in its remarkable ability to change colors based on the lighting conditions.

In daylight or fluorescent light, Alexandrite appears green or blue-green, mirroring the colors of the Russian military. Under incandescent or candle light, the gemstone transforms to a striking purplish-red, reflecting the other signature color of the Russian military. This distinct color change, aligning with the colors of the Tsar’s military, further enhanced the gemstone’s significance for Imperial Russia, leading to Alexandrite becoming the official gemstone of the Tsardom.

Factors Influencing the Intensity

Although the presence of chromium ions primarily contributes to Alexandrite’s color change, there are other factors that can affect the intensity of this phenomenon. The gemstone’s saturation, transparency, and cut can all impact the degree of color change. A high-quality Alexandrite will exhibit a dramatic color change, with a saturated green or blue-green in daylight, and a vibrant purplish-red under incandescent light.

A well-executed cut can further enhance the gemstone’s color change, revealing subtle variations in color as the gemstone moves.

Symbolism and Spiritual Significance

heart shaped alexandrite june gemstone

Alexandrite is recognized not only for its physical attributes but also for its spiritual implications. This extraordinary gemstone symbolizes adaptation and transformation, inspiring individuals to manage change and embrace new possibilities for personal development. Its connection to the crown and heart chakras facilitates access to higher consciousness, promoting spiritual insight, energy alignment, and harmony during meditation.

Beyond its spiritual associations, Alexandrite is believed to be intertwined with various facets of personal well-being and emotional growth. Revered for its purported connections to emotional healing, personal growth, and joy, Alexandrite is often associated with qualities such as grace, love, and the courage to live life fearlessly. Its remarkable ability to evoke these sentiments adds to the gemstone's mystique and enduring allure, captivating hearts and minds with its profound symbolism and beauty.

Believed to shield wearers from negative energies, it promotes a sense of security, balance, and good fortune, while also harnessing the power of feminine energy and tapping into the healing energies.

Representations of Growth

Alexandrite’s connection to personal growth has deep roots in its spiritual attributes. The gemstone is believed to:

  • Aid physical and emotional healing
  • Support the body’s natural healing processes
  • Promote personal growth
  • Contribute to emotional maturity
  • Assist in processing feelings
  • Help find pleasure in life’s experiences

The balancing properties of Alexandrite are said to aid in achieving emotional balance by harmonizing emotions with logic, facilitating improved decision-making. Alexandrite has also been known to help relieve stress, provide support during periods of anxiety and emotional distress, and promote emotional resilience, encouraging mental clarity and focus, which contributes to overall mental and emotional well-being and greater emotional harmony.

Chakra Balancing and Energy Cleansing

Within the field of chakra balancing and energy cleansing, Alexandrite has a substantial role. The gemstone is helpful in balancing the heart, throat, and third eye chakras, contributing to emotional, communicative, and intuitive well-being. For the throat chakra, Alexandrite promotes clear and effective self-expression and assists in releasing emotional blockages related to communication.

The energy-cleansing properties of Alexandrite allow it to adapt to specific needs, helping to clear blockages and promote the flow of energy within the body. By incorporating Alexandrite in chakra balancing and energy cleansing practices, one can enhance their emotional well-being and spiritual development, embracing love, fertility, balance, and the fascinating history of this captivating gemstone.

Alexandrite as June's Birthstone

oval shaped june gemstone

As one of June’s birthstones, Alexandrite holds a special position, making it a cherished gem for people born in this month. Celebrated for its symbolism of prosperity, abundance, and happiness, Alexandrite is a symbol of transformation and progress, ideal for those born under the mutable sign of Gemini.

Donning Alexandrite as a June birthstone is said to bring about several benefits, including:

  • Improved intuition
  • Emotional healing
  • Increased creativity
  • Encouragement of adaptability

From a spiritual perspective, Alexandrite’s unique allure lies in its ability to symbolize transformation and progress, setting it apart from other June birthstones like pearls and moonstone.

Benefits for Those Born in June

For those born in June, wearing Alexandrite provides numerous advantages. The gemstone is believed to enhance joyfulness, flexibility, and decision-making, which is particularly beneficial for Geminis, who are known for their adaptability and versatility. Alexandrite is also associated with balance, harmony, and transformation, believed to bring stability and inner strength to those who are born in this month.

With its captivating color-changing properties and its spiritual significance, Alexandrite serves as a powerful talisman for June babies. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or simply cherished for its natural beauty, Alexandrite offers a unique way to celebrate and honor the month of June.

Comparing Alexandrite to Other June Gemstones

Although Alexandrite is a distinct and fascinating June birthstone, it shares this honor with two other radiant gems: pearls and moonstone. Each of these gemstones has its own unique properties and symbolism, offering a diverse range of options for those born in June.

Pearls, representing purity, wisdom, and timeless beauty, resonate strongly with the vibrant spirit of those born in June. Unlike Alexandrite, natural and cultured pearls are organic gems formed within mollusks and are celebrated for their variety in color and size, lending a classic elegance to pearl jewelry designs.

Moonstone, on the other hand, embodies intuition, emotional healing, and is tied to the moon and feminine energies, providing a soothing energy distinct from Alexandrite’s association with change. Despite these differences, each of these gems shares a commonality – they all bring unique charm and allure to the table, making June’s birthstones a truly captivating trio.

Alexandrite in Jewelry Design

pair of alexandrite earrings

The captivating allure and distinctive traits of Alexandrite have established it as a highly coveted gemstone in modern jewelry design. Whether adorning elegant earrings, dazzling rings, delicate bracelets, or lustrous necklaces, Alexandrite's mesmerizing color-changing properties and exceptional durability add an element of sophistication and intrigue to any piece. Its versatility allows designers to craft exquisite jewelry that seamlessly transitions from day to night, making it a cherished choice for those seeking both elegance and individuality in their accessories.

Alexandrite, one of the most lustrous gems, brings an enchanting allure to any piece of jewelry. The gemstone’s settings are offered in a variety of metals, allowing the stone to be featured in a multitude of designs suitable for different preferences and occasions.

Gaining growing interest among gem lovers, Alexandrite is renowned for enhancing modern designs with striking, bespoke pieces that make a stylish statement while displaying its mesmerizing color-changing properties.

Popular Alexandrite Jewelry Styles

Alexandrite is frequently showcased in a variety of jewelry types, including:

  • Engagement rings
  • Necklaces
  • Earrings
  • Bracelets

The gemstone’s vibrant color-changing properties and its symbolic representation of transformation make it a popular choice for engagement rings, a piece of jewelry that signifies the beginning of a new journey.

Whether set in white metals for a cool contrast or paired with yellow or rose gold for a warm complement, Alexandrite can be showcased in a wide array of styles and settings. Some popular options include:

  • Delicate stud earrings
  • Bold statement necklaces
  • Dainty rings
  • Elegant bracelets
  • Eye-catching pendants

Alexandrite jewelry offers a unique blend of timeless elegance and modern allure.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect June Gemstone Piece

Selecting the ideal Alexandrite piece requires the consideration of several critical elements. Firstly, one should consider the gemstone’s unique color-changing property, which allows for a variety of color combinations such as green to pink, blue to purple, and teal to purple-red. The right choice of metal is crucial for an Alexandrite piece, as white metals provide a cool contrast and yellow or rose gold creates a warm complement to the gemstone’s shifting colors.

Determining a budget is essential in the selection process of an Alexandrite piece, considering that the prices can significantly fluctuate based on the stone’s characteristics and design. The cut of an Alexandrite can either hide or accentuate inclusions, impacting the stone’s clarity and emphasizing the importance of the cutter’s skill in the gemstone’s final look. Careful consideration of both budget and cut is crucial when selecting an Alexandrite piece, ensuring that you strike the perfect balance between affordability and visual appeal.

Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability

pair of alexandrites on sand

In a time when consumers are becoming more aware of their purchases’ origins, it’s vital to source Alexandrite ethically and sustainably. By giving precedence to ethical sourcing practices, we can hope that every gemstone's path from mine to market aligns with environmental responsibility and social integrity, thus nurturing a more sustainable future for both the industry and our planet.

Additionally, advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative methods of gemstone extraction, such as eco-friendly mining and gemstone traceability programs, further promoting transparency and accountability within the industry. By prioritizing ethical sourcing and sustainability, we can ensure that the beauty of Alexandrite continues to shine while minimizing its ecological footprint.

Building a Better Future Together

By endorsing ethical practices, safeguarding the environment, and advocating transparency, we can collectively contribute to a more sustainable and accountable future in the gemstone industry. Consumers are encouraged to:

  • Purchase Alexandrite from reputable dealers who adhere to ethical guidelines and promote responsible mining and labor practices.
  • Support brands that are transparent about their sourcing and production processes.
  • Consider purchasing vintage or second-hand Alexandrite to reduce the demand for new mining.
  • Educate themselves about the ethical issues surrounding the gemstone industry and make informed purchasing decisions.

In doing so, we ensure the fascinating world of gemstones like Alexandrite can be enjoyed by future generations, all while leaving a minimal footprint on our planet.

Identifying High-Quality Alexandrite

cushion cut alexandrite on top of a gem lab report

Recognizing high-quality Alexandrite necessitates various essential factors. It’s not just about the dramatic color change from bluish-green in daylight to purplish-red under incandescent light - although this is a significant factor that enhances its value. The gemstone’s quality is determined by:

  • Color change: The more dramatic the color change, the higher the quality.
  • Saturation: The intensity of the color is an important factor.
  • Transparency: A high-quality Alexandrite should have good transparency.
  • Cut: The cut of the gemstone affects its brilliance and overall appearance.

Considering these factors will help you determine the quality of Alexandrite.

Large, natural Alexandrites are exceedingly rare, contributing to their value, with larger stones often exhibiting more pronounced color changes. Well-executed cuts with more facets can significantly enhance Alexandrite’s pleochroic color shifts, revealing subtle variations in color as the gemstone moves. Ultimately, identifying high-quality Alexandrite requires an understanding of these factors and a discerning eye.

Ensuring Authenticity

When considering purchasing an Alexandrite gemstone, it's highly recommended to obtain an independent lab report to verify its authenticity. Given the rarity and value of Alexandrite, ensuring its legitimacy through a reputable laboratory can provide peace of mind and confidence in your investment. These reports meticulously assess the gem's properties, including its color-changing abilities and chemical composition, offering conclusive evidence of its true identity. By obtaining an independent lab report, you can guarantee the authenticity of your Alexandrite and make an informed decision when adding this exquisite gemstone to your collection.

Evaluating Cut and Clarity

When evaluating Alexandrite, it’s imperative to scrutinize its cut and clarity as they are significant determining factors. These aspects significantly impact the gemstone’s overall quality and value. Alexandrite is frequently cut in oval shapes, and to a lesser extent rounds, in order to conserve as much of the raw material as possible. Emerald and princess cuts are not as common in Alexandrite and thus attract a higher price due to their rarity.

The clarity of Alexandrite significantly influences the overall value of the stone. High-quality Alexandrite gems are generally expected to be eye-clean, meaning they do not have visible inclusions to the naked eye. The clarity of the gemstone, along with the cut, plays a vital role in enhancing Alexandrite’s color-changing properties and overall brilliance.

Understanding Carat Weight and Value

In the realm of gemstones, size holds significance - and Alexandrite is not an exception. Alexandrite’s value increases exponentially with carat weight, especially due to the rarity of larger stones that maintain a strong color change. Stones over 2 carats are rare and highly prized, with those over 8 carats being less valued for jewelry, and most fashioned Alexandrites weigh less than one carat.

Russian Alexandrite, in particular, commands a higher price per carat due to its historical provenance and the intense color change often seen in these stones. Fine Alexandrite above a few carats can be more expensive than diamonds of a comparable size, with specimens over one carat potentially ranging from $50,000 to $70,000 per carat. Understanding the significance of carat weight and value can help a prospective buyer make an informed decision when choosing an Alexandrite piece.


From its captivating color-changing properties to its rich history and spiritual significance, Alexandrite truly stands out as a remarkable gemstone. Whether showcased in stunning jewelry designs, used as a powerful talisman for those born in June, or cherished for its natural beauty and profound symbolism, Alexandrite brings a unique blend of enchantment and allure. As we continue to appreciate and value this extraordinary gem, it’s essential to support ethical sourcing and sustainable practices, ensuring the captivating world of Alexandrite can be enjoyed by future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was alexandrite chosen to be June's birthstone?

Alexandrite was chosen as June's birthstone because its changing colors resembled the military colors of Old Imperial Russia, and it became popular among the aristocrats of Russia. Additionally, its rarity and beauty make it a fitting representation for the unique individuals born in this month.

What are the 3 gemstones for June?

June has three birthstones: alexandrite, pearl, and moonstone, offering individuals with June birthdays a variety of options to choose from based on their preferences and budget. Whether one prefers the captivating color-changing allure of alexandrite, the timeless elegance of pearls, or the ethereal glow of moonstone, there's a birthstone to match every June celebrant's style and budget.

What makes Alexandrite unique among other gemstones?

What sets Alexandrite apart from other gemstones is its remarkable ability to change color depending on the light source, shifting from greenish-blue in daylight to purplish-red under incandescent light. This captivating phenomenon, known as the alexandrite effect, is a rare and highly prized characteristic that distinguishes Alexandrite as one of the most extraordinary gemstones in the world.

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